MS&B Celebrates It's 50th Anniversary
McManimon, Scotland & Baumann, LLC celebrated the 50th Anniversary of our founding and service to our clients at a gala reception held on April 29, 2022 at the Morristown Museum. Members of the MS&B family - past, present and future - including attorneys, administrators, administrative assistants, staff and their spouses/significant others reveled in this milestone. Amidst the food, music and comradery, the firm premiered a special video documentary that narrated the firm’s history and celebrated our founding members Edward J. McManimon, III, Andrea L. Kahn and Glenn F. Scotland. From its inception to the present day, the attorneys at MS&B have been thought leaders in their respective fields; have forged lasting friendships with clients; have gained the admiration of fellow professionals and have a sustained reputation as a firm that provides high-quality counsel to both the private and public sectors. We are excited to share our video documentary with our friends and clients to enjoy.
As MS&B moves into the next half century of providing innovative legal counsel, we look forward to continuing to build upon our strong base of attorneys and dedicated team members and expanding our service and reputation. We thank you for the opportunity to serve our clients and we look forward to continuing in service for many years to come.