
News & Insights


MS&B Project Update: Long Awaited Haddonfield Redevelopment Project Moves Forward

The path to successful redevelopment is not always an easy one. The Borough of Haddonfield knows a thing or two about challenging redevelopment. The Borough has been trying to redevelop a gateway property since the early 2000s.

Efforts to develop the property have been stymied by changes in proposed uses of the property, failed referendums and, most recently, a lawsuit brought by a previous developer.

Forward movement, though, is on the horizon. In 2023, MS&B helped the Borough of Haddonfield settle the lawsuit in question, and then facilitated a thorough and deliberate RFP process to secure a new developer.

The result: Haddonfield has designated Woodmont Properties as a conditional developer for this downtown parcel.

Currently, MS&B is working with parties to craft terms for a strong, mutually agreeable deal that can help Haddonfield achieve its long-term vision.

“The Borough has been focused on finding the best path forward for the Bancroft Site,” commented Haddonfield Mayor Colleen Bianco Bezich, “and we are excited to work with Woodmont to make this a truly community-centered and welcoming gateway to our Borough.”

Read more about progress in Haddonfield here ▶️